Loopy Love

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 23: Something that you miss.

Day 23: Something that you miss.

Something that i miss is my papa. My papa passes away a year and 24 days ago. He passed because... well for one he had diabetes and was on dialysis. He was in so much pain everyday. He was going blind and starting not to be able to walk. But one day my grandmother found all of the blisters everywhere on my grandpa's leg. She took him to the hospital and they found out he had a Flesh Eating Disease. My family was at a soccer tournament for my brother and it was like 6 hours away so my mom got a flight back home to see him. My mom said she knew this was his time and she could just feel it. Anyways, at the hospital they had to amputate my grandfathers leg, he didn't even know it had happened because he was so out of it. My mom said that he was responding, not talking, but blinking and everything very well. He wasn't talking because he had a breathing tube in his mouth. But my mom said when my papa's best friend walked into the room, he knew something was wrong. The next night, at like 3 AM, he passed away. The part that i hate the most is i never got to say goodbye to him. I always seemed to be mad at him for some reason and i wish i could just take it all back. Plus, to make it worse, i was out of town. I still don't like it when people talk about him though, i cry every single time they do. But i know he is not in pain anymore and he is in a better place.


6 DAYS!!!

1 comment:

  1. He is in heaven and is constantly watching you. Never be sad or he wont like it
