Loopy Love

Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 9: How important you think education is.

Day 09: How important you think education is.

I personally think education is VERY important. To me, it is important because it defines your future. If you do not have a good education then you will not have a good job and not good job equals a hard future. If you do not have a good job you might not get good money or you might hate your life. My education means a lot to mean whether i get made fun of or not.

well, this is my fourth blog today and i am kind of tired. I just got back from swimming with my brother and his friend. Plus this last weekend i stayed up late every night so i am tired from that too. Plus, i need to start typing my book. Get far on it, you know? I want it over like 500 pages. You might think i am crazy but suit yourself, i enjoy it. It calms me. And if i am mad and can like get in a fight in the book or something, make it intense! hahahah.

Sorry all of my blogs have been short today. I just have nothing else really to say.

So, bye all!
I will try to make sure i type a blog tomorrow.

Day 8: What you ate today.

Day 08: What you ate today.

Okay, lets see. Since it is only 4:03 and i still have dinner to eat i will just list what i have eaten before now.

  • pancakes
  • a few fries
  • sprite
  • a mini bag of Cheetos chips
  • chocolate ice cream
  • a mini bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos
  • sprite zero
and that is it.

okay. BYE!

Day 7: Five pet peeves.

Day 07: Five pet peeves.

  1. Whistling and clapping out of nowhere and not stopping. (by my brother)
  2. people staring at me.
  3. people who smack their food when they eat.
  4. people who interrupt.
  5. guys who leave the toilet seat up.


Day 6: Your views on mainstream.

Day 06: Your views on mainstream.

Okay. So, at first, i didn't exactly know what mainstream meant but i know now. Mainstream is like music that everyone likes, like hits. I like mainstream, i like a lot of different types of music so i enjoy listening to mainstream.

So, i know i have missed a couple days on here but i can explain.
I stayed with my friend this last weekend and she didn't have any Wi-fi. So i couldn't get on the Internet at all. All i could do was type my new book, which i have gotten pretty far on. Considering that my friends little sister made me help her start a book.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 5: Something you want to say to an ex.

Day 05: Something you want to say to an ex.

Hmm. There are a lot i would like to tell my ex's. Let's see...

I would tell my ex's that broke up wit me that they are stupid and the ones i broke up with sorry. I would ask the ones who broke up with me why? Why did you break up with me. You said that 'i feel more like friends' or 'i just dont feel the same way about you'. You know i had one boyfriend who dated me for a week. But during that week we met at a football game, he even said he loved me (Yeah right) and then the next day he told my best friend he was going to break up with me. So i dumped him first. I didn't want to break up with him but i didn't want to get broken up with either. We are friends now but i wish i could just ask him why he did it. He said he just felt we were better friends but why would you ask me out if we are just friends.

well imma go.
Oh, we are now getting a cat. Not a farret. I would rather a farret but my dad wants a cat. Blah.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 4: Bullet your whole day

Day 04: Bullet your whole day.
I am not sure exactly what this means and it is early so i will do a bullet from yesterday. i am guessing a bullet means the hardest thing that happened to you yesterday. So here it goes.

The bullet i dodged yesterday was going to the hospital. I was scared and in pain at the same time. Plus i had to wait like 5 hourse just to find out i have a infection, not kidney stones. I could have gone to the regular doctor. blah.

so yeah, that is it.

I guess i am going to go.

P.S. OH YEAH! i forgot to tell you...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 3: A book you love.

Hey all.
Day 03: A book you love.

I like a lot of different books but i have to admit. One book is really my favorite. Well their are actually two books because it is a series. They are called Something Borrowed and Something Blue. Both written by Emily Griffin. She has other books but i havnt read them yet. I don't really want to. But Something Borrowed has been made into a movie. So i hope Something Blue gets made into a movie too. hope.

So earlier i said i would explain why i went to the hospital.
Okay, so like a year and a half ago i went to the hospital during the middle of the night with pains in my side. Like major pains but they told me they didn't know what it was. They thought it was a kidney stone but they never said and if it was a kidney stone, it passed becuase i never had any kind of pain like that until his morning. I woke up and was in pain on my right side, just below my rib cage. This pain was worse than the first time and so my mom took me to the ER again. I found out i have a urinary track infection. Wheich isnt that bad. But they told me they cant be sure i do not have kidney stones unless i got a cat scan. I didn't get a cat scan today but they told me if i keep hurting to come back and i will probably get a cat scan.

Anyways, as i was talking about getting an animal the other day. I am so happy becuase i am going to get a farret. YAY! (:
I got to hold on today and i instantly fell in love with it. I was so adorible. And there is this great deal you can get if you buy one. I also had a choice to get a guinnie pig but i decide i would rather have a farret. becuase guinnie is don't seem as fun. Farrets, you can take them on walks (they have little leaches for them), you can get them out and cuddle, you can play with them, and they have a ball that they can roll around in. They just seem like the perfect animal for me.

well i guess im gonna go.

Day 2: Something you feel strongly about.

Day 02: Something you feel strongly about.

Something i feel strongly about.
I feel strongly about a lot of things.
lets see.

I feel strongly about Soccer.
I feel strongly about my apprearence.
I feel strongly about my friends.
I feel strongly about my family.
I feel strongly about God.
I feel strongly about my eduation,
I feel strongly about being a vet.
I feel strongly about animals.

well i know that is more than one. and i have a lot more, but i have to go to the hospital because i am in a lot of pain. :/
ill explain why later.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 1: Five ways to win your heart.

Day 01: Five ways to win your heart.

Five ways to win my heart. WOW.

okay here we go. (:

  1. You act the same around your friends and around me. Like you are mean when you are with your friends or you act up or get in trouble when you are with your friends. But when you are with me you act differently. Like nice, romantic, and well manored. If you get what i mean.
  2. We like the same things. Like we like the same sports, tv shows, or food. Movies, people, things like that. If we have the same things in common and act the same.
  3. If you aren't afraid to show how you feel about me in front of other people. Like hold me hand in front of your friends. Or stick up for me when someone says something about me. Also, if i am not around and your friends or someone is talking about me badly, you get mad and protect me, or defend me. Or you say you love me or something in front of our parents or friends. Or kissing and hugging, that kind of stuff.
  4. If you like to hang out and go places with me. Like i have had boyfrieds that didn't hang out with me just talked to me a school or something. If you ask me to go to eat or to a movie or even to the mall. Go to one of our houses, things like that. I will most likely like you more than when we dont hang out.
  5. If you are good with kids. I love kids and babysitting. Or just hanging out with little kids. They are so cute! and it makes it all the better when oyu are really good with kids becuase  that shows us girls that you would be a good father.
I could list more but i am only supposed to list 5. so this is the last blog i will do today! hahahah. Thanks for reading! And look for day 2 tomorrow!


    random things.

    hey all!
    i know this is my second blog today, but i am very bored. BOREDOM!
    so there are a couple of thing to tell you.

    1. i got a KENDLE! (:
    2. I am almost done writing my book.
    3. I already know what my next book will be about.
    4. I am going to do another blog challenge.
    5. My dad did say "Talk to your mother." about the guinnie pig! YAY!
    Okay so the first one. I got a KENDLE!
    a kindle, in case you didn't know, is a electronic that you can buy books on and read. So now i can just read that. And i can tkae it to school to read! yay!

    the second.
    i am almost done writing my book. I already talked about it on another blog, so just updating you.

    my next book will be about:
    okay so i am going into my senior year in school and my parents decide to tell me they are moving. So i stay with my neighbor/ best friend for my senior year and 12, another on the way, so 13, boys move into my old house. i dont know how, but they do. And then my best friend and i hang out with them and show them all around. Then ones our age like us and we date. Etc.

    the fourth one.
    blog challenge.
    i am going to do a blog challenge again. And i am not going to quit! hopefully.
    but here is a picture of what i am going to do! and ..... i am starting today! so there will be another blog today! woah! 3 in one day. YAY!

    Can you read that? I hope. Anyways.

    and finally the fifth.
    i have a chance to get a guinnie pig because my dad said, "tlak to your mother." which means yes! AHHHHHHH. Ill tell you what my mom says later.

    there will be another blog today so stat tuned. (:

    LIBBY! :D


    So today i am going to talk about house pets.

    I have wanted a house pet for a long time now. I havn't had one since i was ion 6th grade and it was a cat. I don't want another cat but i would really love a dog. But my dad hates dogs. Blah.

    Today i was eating breakfast at this place by a lake and all these animals swim around the dock thing, like ducks, geese, fish, and turtles. Joking around i say, "Oooh, i want a turtle!" But after that my parents actually agree to get one, Yay! But my best friend is going to get a turtle. I don't want the smae thing because she told me she wanted a turtle first, so i will get something else. So turtle is out of the discussion.

    So a while back i wanted a farret, but my mom said they stink too much so no. CRAP! Plus i still want a farret. I have already asked for a hamster and bunny, but i already had them. The hamster died so i want someting new. My bunny bit me, so i do not want another. Plus, they chew through soom many cords. I would ask for a snake, but my mom is like horrified of them, so no. I would also ask for a taranchula, but frankly they scare me, they just look like they could kill you if they even bit you once.

     I could work with fish, but they bore me. All they bo is swim around their little tank. You cant even pet them or look at them without them swimming away freaked out. I also think that the fish on my page for blogspot is enough for me. I really want a guinnie pig but my mom always says no. i am going to like keep begging her to get me one and i really hope at one point she says i can. Or maybe i could just ask my dad to seeif he says "talk to your mother" or in other words YES! then i could go to my mom and be like, "Dad said i could have a guinnie pig!" and maybe she would give me one. I mean sure they stink a little bit but couldn't you wash them? Sure you can. and you can like spray some stuff, like perfume, or something in the cage. Oh! i got it, scent bags! hahah, yeahh! plus, it would be in my room so i dont know why my mom wont let me. so, i am going to beg for a guinnie pig and get back to you all! so keep in touch.

    Hey guys! you should comment if you can think of another animal i might could have. Ones that go in cages please! hahahah.

    Love you all!

    Friday, June 17, 2011

    Summerrrr Timeeeee!(:

    hey all. sorry i haven't been blogging a lot lately. i kind of forgot about my blogspot until just a second ago. i remembered because i was thinking about making a twittter accout becuase my best friend is making one just to tell Paul Mccartney happy birthday tomorrow. HAHAH! she's crazzzzzy though. but anways a lot of my friends have twitter accounts but i figured why get one? there is nothing really to do on it. and it would take too much time to figure out a stupid name. but that is how i remembered my BLOGSPOT! (:

    so as you all know this blog is about summerrrr time! im not sure how many of you are in summer right now, but i am. At first , before school ended, i didn't want summer to come. I liked my school at the moment and i liked my grade and teachers. Plus i wasnt ready to hit the BIG high schhol. Okay, yes i was in high school but our 9th grade school is separate from the 10th thru 12th. and i didnt want to leave 9th. Mostly becuase i didn't want to go to the big high schhol, but i felt like 9th grade year passed by WAY too fast. I am sure i am going to miss it. Plus, all of the older people i talked to that go to the bigger high school said they liked the 9th better. It was more compact. The only people there were people you knew. You pass people in the hallway that you know but then you go to the big school and you only know 1 out of every 10 people you see. or maybe 1 of every 20. BLAH. But now that summer is here i am glad i have no more homework to be doing. VERY! plus i get to hang out with my friends like everyday and go on vacations... like the beach(:

    So the only downside about my summer is that i have to get my wisdom teeth removed. UGH! i am kind of scared. When my brother got his taken out afterwards, he passed out! I deffinately do not want to do that. That is mostly why i am scared. But i am also scared becuase the day i went into the office to get my appointment the doctor started telling me about all of these things you can get from having you wisdom teeth removed. Like infections and thing. He went on and on about all of these different things which sort of scared me. Thanks doc. (:
    Nah, im jk. I am scared but i'll get over it.

