Loopy Love

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Madea's Christmas and The Wolf of Wall Street!

Hey guys, I know I haven't posted in a while. ANYWAYS, how was your Christmas? Mine was pretty freaking awesome. Just saying.

Over the holiday's, I saw two movies.
Madea's Christmas
The Wolf of Wall Street

Madea's Christmas was really funny. It was the comedy like the other Madea movies. If you like the Madea movies, you'll like this one but if you don't, you most likely won't like this. I like them though so I thought it was very funny.

The Wolf of Wall Street was a fucked up movie, I'm telling you. I really liked it. I think it was a great movie but it wasn't what I expected. It has nudity, sex, drugs, cussing, and everything you can imagine in it. I, personally, have no problem with any of that BUT I was sitting next to my mother in the movie theater so it was just a little awkward. Lol. Anyways, I really liked it. It was funny in some parts and sad in some parts. I didn't expect any of this from Leonardo DiCaprio but you know, Jonah Hill can be pretty bad. If you don't like seeing boobs, butts, or a penis, then you won't like this movie.

I'M HOPING TO SEE CATCHING FIRE TONIGHT. I'M SUPER FREAKING EXCITED. I haven't finished the book yet, I'm in the middle but I still want to see it. I hope it doesn't go off theaters before I see it. I'll be pissed.

Anyways, I hope you had a great Christmas and have a good New Years!

I love you guys!

Friday, December 13, 2013

I know...

I suck at doing the picture a day for a month thing, I KNOW! Don't nag on me about it. I'm just not going to do it and I'm just going to post random shit on here.

Anyways, I have a couple of updates!
Today is the first day that I've posted a Twelve Days of Christmas video on YouTube! YAY! It's just the introduction today but there will be fun videos to watch! Here's the link:

Twelve Days of Christmas Intro

Also, I finished reading The Hunger Games and started of Catching Fire! I wanted to see the movie tonight but we had too much going on to do that so I still haven't seen it! Anyways, the books are so good! AH!

Also, I went to see the movie The Best Man Holiday. So I went in thinking it was just going to be a funny holiday movie but NO, it's so freaking sad! I mean, don't get me wrong, I laughed my ass off more than half the movie but it is really sad too! During that movie, it was the hardest I've cried in a while. That is embarrassing because I was in a movie theater, lol. I kept it in though. But, I would definitely recommend EVERYONE to see this movie. It makes you laugh, cry, laugh, cry, and laugh some more! It's an all around great movie. Just don't forget a should to lean on and a box of tissues!

Yesterday, I saw Side Effects for the first time. It's the movie with the sexy Channing Tatum in it. Well, he's in a small part of it, sadly. I love him, if you can't already tell! Anyways, I was (excuse my language) mind fucked. Lol. I'm serious. It isn't the best movie around but it keeps you on your toes, wondering what happens next. It's seriously a crazy movie! LOL!

So, yeah. Sorry about not finishing the pic a day thing. I'll be posting regularly though.


Saturday, December 7, 2013

My Pets

I have four cats. I know, I'm a cat lady... lol. They don't live with me though. Two of them used to but we moved those two cats to our cabin in Tennessee and adopted two more in the past six months! So here is a picture and their names!

This is my baby, Harley. He's one of the cats that lived at home with me and then moved up to our cabin. I named him and he's my cat!

This is Mr. Chow. He's Harley's brother and he was the second cat that was at the house and went to the cabin. He was my fat cat and I've always wanted a really fat cat. I know, it's not healthy. I LOVE FAT CATS. Anyways, he got skinnier when he went to the cabin because they got moved to outside cats and he started running around. Well, he got skinnier. Ugh, I still love him though. My brother named him because Chow is his cat. He got named Mr. Chow after the Asian man in The Hangover. lol!

Okay, this is Jasper. I know, he looks just like Chow, doesn't he? Well, they aren't the same cat. The difference is that Jasper has a stub tail. I think someone cut it off out of rudeness. But, luckily, whatever happened to him, he isn't in that kind of environment! He's six months old and he was hanging around my grandparents house. Well, my grandmother didn't want him so we got him! He's really skittish because of whatever happened to him but he's cute! He's kind of thick. Like he's growing into a man cat! haha. Anyways, another different is that Chow has a small white spot under his chin and Jasper doesn't. Jasper is my dad's cat and he was named after Jack Daniels. Hint, hint, Jack Daniel's is very good whiskey! Apparently, Jasper was Jack Daniel's real name.

This is the most recent cat that we just got! She's the only girl and she's three months old! My mom named her but apparently she's my cat. Her name is Tinkerbell... Why mom? I wanted to name her Chloe. Anyways, she's our baby. She was a family friends cat and they couldn't keep her because they have a dog that's old. They didn't want the dog to get so overworked and pass away. They let us have her and they can still see the kitten!

So that's it! I hope this wasn't too boring. Thanks for reading.



So, since this post is a day late, I will post what I was wearing yesterday and today! I will post a picture and then explain where I got the clothes! YAY! I feel like I looked pretty good yesterday and today because I never usually dress up but I've been in a fashion mood lately so you guys are lucky! (;


So, I decided to wear the new boots I got yesterday and this was the first time wearing them.

  • I got the boots from a store called Catherine's! They are really nice. I freaking love them.
  • The jeans are from Lane Bryant and they are super comfy. They fit so snuggly!
  • The shirt is a brown long sleeved t-shirt that I got from Dollar General! It's plain dark brown.
  • The scarf is half floral and half light pink with them sown loosely together by light blue yarn. Super cute! I got it from Factory Connection, I think! I'm not completely sure, sorry!
  • The yellow rain jacket is from North Face! I actually got it at a North Face store instead of ordering it online.


Getting sassy! Haha. I really love scarves, if you can't tell, so I'm rocking another one again! Also, like I said, I love my boots so there they are again too!
  • The boots, like I said earlier, are from a store called Catherine's.
  • Theses jeans are also from Lane Bryant and these are my absolute favorite pair of jeans! I just love the holes in them!
  • The blue sweater is from Wal-Mart! Love it! I also have one is a dark pink color. They are the softest and most comfortable sweaters!
  • The scarf was from my brother last year on Christmas! He got my name, Libby, monogrammed on it so that's what the blue is on there! It's a grayish color and I love it because it represents me! So thank you, Connor (my brother)!
So there are my two outfits! Let me know if you like them!

I love you guys!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

YouTube, SnapChat, KIK, & Reviews!

Hey guys, go check out my new YouTube video! I just posted it on Sunday and this is the first time I could tell you about it! Anyways, I tried to put the actual video in this post but I can't for some reason! EVERYTHING IS JUST GOING WRONG!

Anyways, go check it out. It's pretty cool. Actually, I'm lame so whatever. lol.

OH! I made a SnapChat so if you want to snapchat me, find me at libbygillies

cool? cool! I also have a KIK, its: LibbyyLuee

So, you know, message me and SnapChat me! (:

Anyways, I went to see a movie last night with my best friend, Hannah, and I really liked it! The movie is called The Book Thief and it's about this little girl during World War II. She lived in Germany with her adoptive parents and found it calming to steal books so that she could read them to others. Remember, this is during the time of Hitler so times were harsh but books always seemed to take her mind off of things!

This movie was brilliant, to me, anyways! It wasn't particularly funny because it was during World War II but there were parts when I smiled or giggled. It was mostly that, smiling parts. If you know what I mean. But there were also parts of the movie that were sad, I cried four times! That's crazy, haha.

I really think you should see this movie though. Like I said, I cried but Hannah didn't cry at all. (She just has no heart). JK! She does but the parts are THAT sad. I'm just emotional!

Yeah, so thanks for reading this boring post and make sure to go watch my video, SnapChat me, or message me on KIK! Also, tell me if you go see this movie and what you think about it! Remember, these are my opinions so you may feel differently! Even if you don't like the movie, let me know what you thought!

Goodbye lovelies,


Sunday, December 1, 2013


Hey guys.
I know that I've been gone for a while so I just thought that I could update you on a couple of things.

  1. I did have two BlogSpot's but I have deleted the other so this is my only blog other than my Tumblrs.
  2. I have four tumblrs, an Instagram, twitter, pinterest, a YouTube, and Facebook. All of the links are to the right. (you might have to scroll down)
  3. I've had a YouTube for a while now but I have actually started posting videos which I think is pretty cool.
  4. I have now written 5 novels because I just completed NaNoWriMo 2013. If you don't know what that is, I'll post about it later! At least, I wrote 50,000 words but I haven't completed my novel yet. I intend to do so soon!
  5. I have my own custom URL on here now because I didn't want just a BlogSpot URL. I only have a .gillieshome.com URL because it was free for me. My father already had it so he just gave it to me! Pretty cool, right?
  6. I intend to post a lot on here because I want this to get more popular, of course.
  7. I AM A SENIOR! in high school... Either way, in May, I will be graduating from High School and heading off to college!
  8. I want to post my YouTube videos on here when I post them so not only do I have viewers on YouTube but I have them on here too! Cool? Cool. I post YouTube videos every Sunday. I might start posting more, not sure yet. Depends on how much school work comes in!
  9. I also want to post pictures of outfits and my daily outings! Just so you know what I'm doing/wearing.
  10. I have 4 cats now but they are all at my lake house so I only gets to see them on the weekends if I go there. Their names are Harley, Mr. Chow, Jasper, and Tinkerbell. Don't ask on the last one, my mom named her. Tinkerbell is the only girl out of the four cats and she's 3 months old right now! She's really cute.
Well, that's all I can think of right now. If you have any questions, let me know in the comments below. You can also post things you would like me to post about! Thanks!
