Loopy Love

Saturday, December 7, 2013

My Pets

I have four cats. I know, I'm a cat lady... lol. They don't live with me though. Two of them used to but we moved those two cats to our cabin in Tennessee and adopted two more in the past six months! So here is a picture and their names!

This is my baby, Harley. He's one of the cats that lived at home with me and then moved up to our cabin. I named him and he's my cat!

This is Mr. Chow. He's Harley's brother and he was the second cat that was at the house and went to the cabin. He was my fat cat and I've always wanted a really fat cat. I know, it's not healthy. I LOVE FAT CATS. Anyways, he got skinnier when he went to the cabin because they got moved to outside cats and he started running around. Well, he got skinnier. Ugh, I still love him though. My brother named him because Chow is his cat. He got named Mr. Chow after the Asian man in The Hangover. lol!

Okay, this is Jasper. I know, he looks just like Chow, doesn't he? Well, they aren't the same cat. The difference is that Jasper has a stub tail. I think someone cut it off out of rudeness. But, luckily, whatever happened to him, he isn't in that kind of environment! He's six months old and he was hanging around my grandparents house. Well, my grandmother didn't want him so we got him! He's really skittish because of whatever happened to him but he's cute! He's kind of thick. Like he's growing into a man cat! haha. Anyways, another different is that Chow has a small white spot under his chin and Jasper doesn't. Jasper is my dad's cat and he was named after Jack Daniels. Hint, hint, Jack Daniel's is very good whiskey! Apparently, Jasper was Jack Daniel's real name.

This is the most recent cat that we just got! She's the only girl and she's three months old! My mom named her but apparently she's my cat. Her name is Tinkerbell... Why mom? I wanted to name her Chloe. Anyways, she's our baby. She was a family friends cat and they couldn't keep her because they have a dog that's old. They didn't want the dog to get so overworked and pass away. They let us have her and they can still see the kitten!

So that's it! I hope this wasn't too boring. Thanks for reading.


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