Loopy Love

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Penguins, Home, Classes, and my RA

So today I'm just going to update you guys and just talk since I have nothing better to do! Isn't that the best way for a blog to be written though? From the heart without any layouts or planning? Yes. Well, I think so.

So I'm going to go over my day with you for those of you who care! :)

I had three classes today, joy.
I started at 9:25 in Cultural Anthropology and then went to English 10 minutes after that. I finished with those two classes around 11:50.
After class, I went to Crossroads (kind of like a buffet cafeteria type of thing for college students) with one of my roommates, Olivia, her twin sister and her sister's roommate! After lunch, I walked to my last class but had 40 minutes to blow so I literally sat in the lobby of the building my last class is in and listened to music. I was on Pinterest, Instagram, and SnapChat during that time now.
Finally, 1:40 came around and I went into my Intro to Sociology class which is boring as hell. I swear I nodded off four times in that one hour. God.
When Sociology ended, I walked slowly but surely back to my dorm room. One of my roommates was there, Haleigh. We talked about our personal lives and we got to know each other better. It was nice. Very nice. It was good to talk to someone.
Around 5:10, we left to go back to Crossroads to meet Connor, our other roommate, for dinner. Us three ate dinner together and then walked back to the dorm room together.

Since I got back, I've played on Club Penguin.
My penguin:
ADD ME BITCHESSSSSSSSSSS! Be cool and make a club penguin or log in to your old one. It's actually pretttttyyy fun!

How you may ask? How and why have I been on club penguin?
I was laying on Haleigh's bed earlier and I saw a stuffed animal. I picked it up thinking it was a Webkinz. It wasn't but we got on that topic. I had 40 when I was younger. Yes, I know, 40 is crazy. I LOVED WEBKINZ, okay? OKAY?
So after dinner, I tried getting on my Webkin World thing and since it's been over a year since I've been on so it was acting weird. Also, it was taking forever to load. For some reason, I thought of Club Penguin and started playing that with one of my roommates! lol, I'm not playing anymore, for any of those wondering. It timed out because I was writing this.

I'm going home this weekend.
I know, change of subject and pace. Woah.
It's Labor Day weekend and my mothers birthday so I had planned since before college started to go home this weekend. I get Monday off so I'm staying a day longer!
On Sunday, my family is having a reunion type of thing so I'm seeing my moms side of the family. I'm excited for that! I need to pick out an outfit for that. lol. Then I think after that, my immediate family is going out to eat with my mom for her birthday. We're going to All State which is like a really good steak restaurant. Idk, maybe that's Monday. Haha. I think it's Sunday.
I don't know man, I'm just going with the flow this weekend. I'm happy to go home.
Very happy. I just feel calm at home.
I'm so tired at school.

ALSO, my RA is a cutie! lol
In the back of my mind I'm like.. what if he reads this??
HAHAHA, if so, HEY! You're cute!
He came to our room today to tell us about this open mic thing. Either way, he's super cute. I don't know much about him though.
LOLOL, since this is weird, I'm done talking about him. HAHAHAHA

okay, I love you guys!
thanks for reading!
Libby xx

"At college age, you can tell who is best at taking tests and going to school, but you can't tell who the best people are. That worries the hell out of me." -Barnaby C. Keeney

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