Loopy Love

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 5: Something you want to say to an ex.

Day 05: Something you want to say to an ex.

Hmm. There are a lot i would like to tell my ex's. Let's see...

I would tell my ex's that broke up wit me that they are stupid and the ones i broke up with sorry. I would ask the ones who broke up with me why? Why did you break up with me. You said that 'i feel more like friends' or 'i just dont feel the same way about you'. You know i had one boyfriend who dated me for a week. But during that week we met at a football game, he even said he loved me (Yeah right) and then the next day he told my best friend he was going to break up with me. So i dumped him first. I didn't want to break up with him but i didn't want to get broken up with either. We are friends now but i wish i could just ask him why he did it. He said he just felt we were better friends but why would you ask me out if we are just friends.

well imma go.
Oh, we are now getting a cat. Not a farret. I would rather a farret but my dad wants a cat. Blah.

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