Loopy Love

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 3: A book you love.

Hey all.
Day 03: A book you love.

I like a lot of different books but i have to admit. One book is really my favorite. Well their are actually two books because it is a series. They are called Something Borrowed and Something Blue. Both written by Emily Griffin. She has other books but i havnt read them yet. I don't really want to. But Something Borrowed has been made into a movie. So i hope Something Blue gets made into a movie too. hope.

So earlier i said i would explain why i went to the hospital.
Okay, so like a year and a half ago i went to the hospital during the middle of the night with pains in my side. Like major pains but they told me they didn't know what it was. They thought it was a kidney stone but they never said and if it was a kidney stone, it passed becuase i never had any kind of pain like that until his morning. I woke up and was in pain on my right side, just below my rib cage. This pain was worse than the first time and so my mom took me to the ER again. I found out i have a urinary track infection. Wheich isnt that bad. But they told me they cant be sure i do not have kidney stones unless i got a cat scan. I didn't get a cat scan today but they told me if i keep hurting to come back and i will probably get a cat scan.

Anyways, as i was talking about getting an animal the other day. I am so happy becuase i am going to get a farret. YAY! (:
I got to hold on today and i instantly fell in love with it. I was so adorible. And there is this great deal you can get if you buy one. I also had a choice to get a guinnie pig but i decide i would rather have a farret. becuase guinnie is don't seem as fun. Farrets, you can take them on walks (they have little leaches for them), you can get them out and cuddle, you can play with them, and they have a ball that they can roll around in. They just seem like the perfect animal for me.

well i guess im gonna go.

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