Loopy Love

Sunday, June 19, 2011


So today i am going to talk about house pets.

I have wanted a house pet for a long time now. I havn't had one since i was ion 6th grade and it was a cat. I don't want another cat but i would really love a dog. But my dad hates dogs. Blah.

Today i was eating breakfast at this place by a lake and all these animals swim around the dock thing, like ducks, geese, fish, and turtles. Joking around i say, "Oooh, i want a turtle!" But after that my parents actually agree to get one, Yay! But my best friend is going to get a turtle. I don't want the smae thing because she told me she wanted a turtle first, so i will get something else. So turtle is out of the discussion.

So a while back i wanted a farret, but my mom said they stink too much so no. CRAP! Plus i still want a farret. I have already asked for a hamster and bunny, but i already had them. The hamster died so i want someting new. My bunny bit me, so i do not want another. Plus, they chew through soom many cords. I would ask for a snake, but my mom is like horrified of them, so no. I would also ask for a taranchula, but frankly they scare me, they just look like they could kill you if they even bit you once.

 I could work with fish, but they bore me. All they bo is swim around their little tank. You cant even pet them or look at them without them swimming away freaked out. I also think that the fish on my page for blogspot is enough for me. I really want a guinnie pig but my mom always says no. i am going to like keep begging her to get me one and i really hope at one point she says i can. Or maybe i could just ask my dad to seeif he says "talk to your mother" or in other words YES! then i could go to my mom and be like, "Dad said i could have a guinnie pig!" and maybe she would give me one. I mean sure they stink a little bit but couldn't you wash them? Sure you can. and you can like spray some stuff, like perfume, or something in the cage. Oh! i got it, scent bags! hahah, yeahh! plus, it would be in my room so i dont know why my mom wont let me. so, i am going to beg for a guinnie pig and get back to you all! so keep in touch.

Hey guys! you should comment if you can think of another animal i might could have. Ones that go in cages please! hahahah.

Love you all!

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